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The health department is sounding the alarm: Beware:
A silent killer! Hypertension kills thousands of people every year. Want to know how to stay healthy and prevent spikes in your blood pressure? The health department revealed a secret method that had been hidden from the general public.

A leading heart specialist, university professor and cardiologist, Azi Ramos, comments on the country's hypertension situation.

He has performed hundreds of successful surgeries. He has a tight schedule, so making an appointment to see him can take several months. Despite this, he found time to answer the questions that everyone is worrying about.

According to official statistics, 60% of the population from the age of 35 has hypertension. In actual practice this number is even higher. Most people are clueless about the condition of their health, this is the cunning part of hypertension. Few people pay any attention to occasional headaches, ringing noises in their ears, eye flashes, fatigue, wheezing and increased heart rate. These symptons are often chopped up to be symptoms of chronic fatigue. Nevertheless, this state of being is a serious condition that requires immediate attention.
When the proper prevention and treatment measures are not taken, the risk of heart attack and stroke is increased by 25 times!

For a long time now, age and being overweight have been considered the cause of hypertension. However, everything is actually much more straight-foward than that. Clogged blood vessels and dirty blood bear all the blame. Toxins such as cholesterol and salt build up specifically here, on blood vessel walls, causing them to constrict. This results in increased blood pressure (of 140/100), which in most cases leads to having a hypertensive crisis, and, as I already mentioned, increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

For many years doctors have been prescribing anti-hypertensive drugs that only provide a temporary decrease in blood pressure but do nothing to cure the main cause of the disease, clogged blood vessels. This treatment approach has long been obsolete and fundamentally wrong. Nevertheless, a new anti-hypertensive supplement has recently hit the market, the natural complex, Cardiovax , it consists of carefully selected organic extracts.

The head of the research and development team that created Cardiovax and leading hematology specialist, Chetachi Abba, gave us more details about Cardiovax:

We spent 4 years working on developing Cariovax's formula. We tested hundreds of different medicinal herb combinations, chose the most effect one and launched mass production. Our main goal was to create a truly effective and harmless supplement without side effects or countraindicatives, and that's exactly what we managed to do.

We tested the final version of the formula on volunteer test subjects. In total, 128 participants from ages 35 to 65 with clinically verified hypertension took part in testing the supplement. They all took Cardiovax over 3 months. These were the results of the tests:

The remarkable part of the tests was that results were maintained by participants for 3 months after finishing a course of the supplement. There isn't a single product in stores that has the same effectiveness. This is our entire achievement.

The ministry of health released information on an advanced new supplement for treating hypertension, Cardiovax capsules . They can be ordered by anyone at a discounted price in accordance to the government program "Healthy hearts and blood vessels".

The deputy health minister, Durojaiye Okeke, speaks about the program, "Healthy hearts and blood vessels":

According to the medical examination conducted on the general public last year, one in three people 35 years of age and older is a risk group for cardiovascular diseases, which includes hypertension. Our key task is to ensure that all conditions for living a full-fledged and safe life are met for all citizens and increase the average life expectancy by another 7-10 years. This is why the social program, "Healthy hearts and blood vessels" was launched in cooperation with the developers of Cardiovax with the intention of helping everyone buy this safe and natural supplement for cleansing blood vessels and treating hypertension at an affordable price.

If you would like to find out if you are eligible for this program or not, fill out a form and leave your contact information. A consultant will contact you and answer any questions you may have. Due to high demand, restrictive measures were put in effect, no more than 3 packages can be bought at a time. This is more than enough for an adult to finish one whole course of treatment.

It should also be noted that the ministry of health does not cooperate with pharmaceutical companies. Cardiovax can only be puchased for the discounted on the manufacturer's official website by meeting the social program's requirements. Fill out and send the form below, then wait for a consultant to contact you to confirm your order.

Order form
  • Chika Audu:

    It's a pity that it took me so long to find this supplement, 2 months ago hypertension took my dad's life away... My mother also has high blood pressure, so I ordered her a course of Cardiovax . Thank you to the creators for all the painstaking work you put into it!

  • Ekong Ojo:

    I was always bothered by regular headaches and ringing noises in my ears, I took painkillers but nothing ever gave me any relief. After little bit of investigation I realized I had high blood pressure, it turned out my pressure was spiking to 150/110 and being in that state made it impossible to relax. I was lucky to find a good doctor who instead of having me put chemicals in my body, immediately told me about Cardiovax . I'm really thankful for him for treating me like a real person and giving a proper recommendation. About 3 months later I forgot all about those terrible symptoms and I started living a normal life again.

  • Efe Suleiman:

    Everyone in my family has hypertension, I bought Cardiovax since nothing else is working for any of us. Can't wait for it to be delivered. I hope it works.

  • Oni Saidu:

    I'm 67 years old, and I've had hypertension for 10 years now. I've been taking Cardiovax for just a week on my family doctor's advice, and I can already feel the effect. My pressure hasn't spiked once since I started taking it, I can breath easier, I don't get so tired and I don't get headaches anymore. Huge thanks for product!

  • Golibe Muhammadu:

    I placed an order, got a call from the consultant and she mentioned that there are only 112 packages left in stock. So if you wanna get it, you'd better hurry, the next shipment is prolly going to be more expensive.

  • Nwanneka Adebayo:

    After finishing a course of Cardiovax I killed two birds with one stone by getting rid of hypertension and losing 12kg. I feel fantastic and I look even better. I recommend everyone to try it!

  • Ngozi Rabiu:


  • Taiwo Samuel:

    Cardiovax is important for anyone with hypertension to take as well as people who simply want to stay healthy. Clean blood = a healthy body. Besides, the supplement is completely natural and it has no side effects or countraindicatives unlike other products. That's coming from me as an experienced doctor.

  • Sade Dauda:

    Cardiovax is a great product, I took a course of it and I'm so happy to say that I don't have any spikes in my blood pressure anymore, my cholesterol level is normal and the doctors only act surprised to see how quickly I got back to normal health. It's funny that when I told them about Cardiovax they were really surprised but took note of it.

  • Olubunmi Mustapha:

    It turns out everything for sale in stores has just about the exact same effectiveness but they all gave me serious stomach aches and the good effect didn't last long to make them worth using. As soon as the effect wore off, my blood pressure would start going up again...I ordered Cardiovax , let's see if it lives up to the supplier's promises.

  • Monifa Kabiru:

    My life was saved by Cardiovax My doctor diagnosed me with being in a preinfarction state, even the hardcore drugs wouldn't help me. My husband heard about Cardiovax from somewhere and bought me a course of it, my blood pressure went back to normal after 4 days of taking it, I don't have tachycardia or wheezing anymore. As a person with a history of high blood pressure, I'm happy to say I feel great, and I hope everyone else can feel great too!

  • Nnenne Daniel:

    It's a pity that doctors can only recommend useless feel-good medicine to patients instead of giving them what they need... But I guess there's nothing can be done to stop. I hope Cardiovax really works and that it's not just another pharmaceutical placebo.
